The bakery
There are no cars here in the village, so by and large it’s safe for the children to play outside unattended. And as Emily is now old enough to roam around by herself, Nevi decided to send her to the bakery to get bread. Here is Emily’s account of her shopping trip:
“I told Evi [a friend who lives here] that I was going to the bakery and she said she was coming with me and we started to go together but then her mother called her and told her she couldn’t go and so I carried on by myself but then I wished that Evi was with me because she knows where the bakery is and I wasn’t sure but I kept on going and then I came to a crossroads and I got confused and then I said to myself: ‘Oh bugger!’
“And then a man saw me looking like this [she mimes looking around quizzically, her index finger pressed against her chin] and he asked me where I was going and I told him and he told me where to go but then I got lost again and then a girl saw me and told me where to go and I got to the bakery and I asked for black and white bread and they told me that wasn’t any kind of bread and so I started to come home and then the baker’s wife called me and said ‘Hey, little girl, your mummy wants semi-white bread and so I got it and I didn’t get lost on the way back and here I am!”
Yay Emily! Mission accomplished!