Emily's birthday week culminates with inviting a friend over to watch Eurovision together. Opa!
Emily's birthday week culminates with inviting a friend over to watch Eurovision together. Opa!
Emily's birthday week keeps getting better and better. Monday (her actual birthday) was a holiday (the Feast of the Holy Spirit) and today (Wednesday) there is no school because the teachers are having some kind of meeting. Instead, Emily's class gathered in the park for a water fight which I kept a safe distance from (hence no photos).
Emily, like all children, is full of excitement that Greece has qualified for the final of the Eurovision Song Contest. I, like all adults, am worried that we might actually win the damn thing and have to bear the huge expense of hosting it next year.
"Daddy, because it's my birthday today I want us all to be together this afternoon and I want to invite Pappous and Nonos and I want us to eat crisps and μπόμπες [towers of sandwiches] because I love μπόμπες more than anything and I want to make them - please can I make them Daddy? - and then I want us to have cake and ice cream and I want everyone to say what a good girl I am. Because it's my birthday."
Emily ended up not taking part in yesterday's cross-country race as she had a party to go to (a difficult choice, that: wear yourself out hauling yourself around the local park or hang out with friends eating cake and ice-cream).
There is apparently some sort of open cross country race going on in the local park tomorrow. Grown-ups and high-school students will be running 3 kilometres, while primary school kids will have to complete a 1km course. I am not intending to enter (my knee is a bit fragile at the moment) but I note that in two years' time I will be in the oldest category of participants and quite fancy my chances against the local παππούδες* (provided I put in a bit of training first).
"Phoebe, can I take a photo of you wearing the garland you made on Mayday?"
Emily's tennis coach... *puff* ...didn't turn up... *pant* ...for her lesson this evening... *wheeze* I nipped home... *gulp* ...and got a spare racket... *choke* have a knock-up with her... *gasp*.
It was a weekend of gadding about for the girls. On Saturday I took them to Porto Rafti, where Emily's friend Giorgia was having a party. There we celebrated May 1st in traditional fashion by making garlands of flowers and eating huge slabs of barbequed meat. On Saturday evening Emily went to Giorgos's party here in Athens, where (oh good grief!) a (parentally supervised) game of spin the bottle was in progresss when I arrived to pick her up...