Happy Christmas!!!
We're off to Moose Manor. Back in a week.
According to her teacher, Phoebe is the unofficial school mascot, and as such has been awarded the role of Host in her class’s Christmas extravaganza. This will involve saying a short Poem of Welcome, which she has memorised:
I deliver my annual pre-Christmas lecture to the girls, emphasising that if they don't tidy and get rid of anything that is broken or unwanted, Santa won't bring them anything for Christmas.
I may occasionally give the impression in this blog that Emily has grumpy tendencies (hey, give me a break, what can I do?)
Yes, thanks to the local council (who are providing free lessons) Emily has gone all Wimbledon on us. At the moment she is full of enthusiasm, returning home from each lesson to declare that even though she is the most useless in her group "it doesn't matter because I love it." Which is a sentiment I think we can all agree with. Especially Duncan Fletcher, Andy Robinson and Steve McClaren.
I walk into the girls' bedroom. Phoebe is sitting on the top bunk, legs dangling over the edge. "Hello Daddy, I'm the King of Tidying!"
said Emily, confidingly, "is to have forty pencils. I only have thirty-eight at the moment."
At school the other day, during break, Emily and her friend came across a little girl from the reception class who had fallen over and scraped her knee. Having calmed her down, they took her to the staff room so that the teacher in charge of first aid could clean her up.