28 October
Just say no!
to a Pumpkin Party! Lazarus and Eleni invited us to Kiourka, where we stuffed ourselves with pumpkin soup (served from a hollowed out pumpkin!), pumpkin pie and pumpkin souffle. Who knew pumpkin was so delicious? (Not the kids, at any rate, who were deeply suspicious of anything orange, and stuck to roast chicken...)
Phoebe is cutting something out of paper. "It's a pair of glasses, Daddy, so that I can look like you."
Nevi comes into the office, where I'm writing an invoice.
has started doing Tai Kwon Do. And yes, I know that Tai Kwon Do doesn't come from Hong Kong. For that matter, it isn't just Phoebe doing it, either - Emily goes too. But "Taiwan Emily and Phoebe" doesn't evoke any much loved 70s cartoon shows, so "Hong Kong Phoebe (Number One Super Gal)" it is...
To the theatre last week to see "Mary Poppins Travels with the Beatles". I really don't know what to say about this. I mean I really don't know. Greeks can be a litigious bunch, so if I describe it as a "disgrace", a "farrago" or a "brain-curdling abomination" that might not be accepted as fair comment and I could find myself in court. So I won't. (Do you see what I did there?)
Things I have really and truly said presumably in an attempt to introduce the children to modern idomatic English.
Emily is doing her geography homework. Today, that means sitting down and learning a list of Greek prefectures and their capitals. Is it just me, or is this a hopelessly outdated and utterly pointless waste of her time?