Emily and Phoebe

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Emily lost a tooth yesterday


First it came out of her mouth, and then she mislaid it. You can imagine all the anxiety she went through wondering whether the Tooth Fairy would visit or not. Anyway, we wrote a note to TF explaining what had happened, and all was well.

Except that the "Very Silly Tooth Fairy" (Nevi's slightly expurgated words) forgot how much she usually leaves and had to concoct an explanation along the lines of "Half now, half when you come up with the tooth. What, you think we tooth fairies are made of money? Think yourself lucky I left you anything at all, sunshine." (Sorry, got a bit carried away there...)

Anyway, Phoebe is very excited by it all and is running around the house screaming "Poof Fairy" at the top of her lungs, which I suppose makes a kind of sense...


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